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Mao -bloodiest dictator in history |
Because of this, on every occasion like this, the Chinese communists can be counted on to bring up World War II. Part of this is because they are still bitter about the fact that their legitimate Emperor was restored to his ancestral throne for a while and because they were never able to defeat the Japanese on their own. However, it is also to provide a rallying point for their own people and to try to sway world opinion against Japan and in favor of mainland communist China. What is alarming is how successful they have been at this and how many useful idiots go along with the communist Chinese propaganda. They have actually managed to convince some people that modern Japan is a nation full of nationalist, right-wing fanatics who are always only one step away from conquering East Asia all over again. This would come as a surprise to anyone who knows anything at all about Japan, perhaps the only country in the world where something as basic as flying the national flag or playing the national anthem is considered controversial because it might upset the neighbors. Japan is an officially pacifist country, unlike communist China which was born out of a civil war and only exists because of military aggression. Odd that. Yet, I am amazed to see their propaganda continuously parroted by useful idiots in various parts of the world. It is time to cut through the nonsense and look at the facts.
Communist China likes to pretend that they are the perpetual victims and that Japan is always the villain of the story. That is partly why they love to keep bringing up World War II and, usually, grossly exaggerated Japanese misdeeds all those many years ago. However, people need to step back and just look at the basic facts of the situation. If you do, anyone with half a brain will be able to see just how absurd this propaganda line from the bandit government in Peking really is. First, we should look at the historical record to see which government, Japan or Red China, has been the most aggressive throughout history. Both countries as they are today have been around for about the same length of time, so this should be a fair comparison. The People’s Republic of China was proclaimed in 1949 and the current State of Japan came into being in 1947 with the adoption of the post-war constitution, replacing that of the former Empire of Japan. After all, it would not be fair to hold the bandit government in Peking responsible for everything done by the Republic of China and the Qing, Ming and all the previous dynasties of Imperial China just as it would be unfair to hold modern Japan responsible for everything done by the old Empire of Japan (even though many do) since in each case, the values and principles and policies of the countries changed dramatically from what they had been to what they are now.
So, since 1949 the Communist Chinese have invaded Tibet, South Korea, Burma, India, Sikkim (which is today part of India but at the time was still a protectorate of India), Bhutan (yes, even them in 1959), Soviet Russia and Vietnam. That seems a bit lengthy, though to be fair, they never succeeded at much other than when they were fighting populations of Buddhist pacifists. On the other hand, since 1947, Japan has invaded…no one! So, in the same period of time that China launched military attacks into Tibet, South Korea, Burma, India, Sikkim, Bhutan, Russia and Vietnam the Japanese have attacked no one. It seems lopsided doesn’t it? But, the Japanese did adopt a constitution that makes it illegal to use military force to settle disputes so perhaps that gave them an unfair advantage. Perhaps it also helps to make them an inviting target? After all, the Chinese communists have been known to attack people who do not believe in violence; just ask any of the survivors of the massacres in Tibet -if you can find them. Alright, so much for the historical argument; how about current military preparedness? Well, on the one hand you have Japan with a Self-Defense Force of less than 250,000 active duty personnel. On the other you have Communist China, home of the People’s Liberation Army which has a standing force of over 2,200,000 along with the largest air force in the world and an extensive nuclear arsenal. They also have a navy twice the size of the Maritime Self-Defense Force of Japan (though thankfully of a much lower quality).
That, by itself, should be enough to settle this in the minds of most people who actually have the ability to think. There is China, which has attacked numerous countries, has an arsenal of nuclear weapons, the largest air force in the world, a standing army of over 2 million led by a government which has butchered tens of millions of people which is claiming that the other country, Japan, which has attacked no one, has no nuclear weapons, a pacifist constitution and a Self-Defense Force of 250,000 -is the bully looking for trouble. How anyone, even the useful idiots who still think communism sounds “cool” can buy what the Chinese government is selling frankly astounds me. Most of the tensions today between Red China and Japan revolve around the disputed ownership of the Senkaku Islands, which China only suddenly claimed had “always” belonged to them after the U.S. occupation of Japan ended and after it began to seem that there might be oil and gas deposits in the surrounding waters. Isn’t that convenient? It is also worth noting that there is scarcely any neighbor of mainland China that the bandit government in Peking does NOT have a territorial dispute with. The communist Chinese have currently made claims on the territory of the Republic of China on Taiwan (of course), North Korea, South Korea, Tajikistan, Pakistan, India, Bhutan, Japan, The Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and even little Brunei. They can scream all they want about World War II, jump on a throw-away line that mentions Hitler (they don’t think freedom of speech should exist in Japan) and they can shriek every time someone visits the Yasukuni Shrine (they don’t think freedom of religion should be allowed in Japan either) but a simple look at the facts should be enough to prove to any intelligent person that it is Communist China that is being belligerent and looking for trouble, NOT the State of Japan.
That’s my two cents. I pray that one day the bandit government in Peking will be overthrown, that China will return to following the Heavenly commands and restore friendly, respectful relations with all their neighbors. Until that time, everyone else must stand strong. God bless the island nation of Japan and long live the Emperor.
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