
Sunday, December 15, 2013

HM the Emperor, the Far-Right and the Truth

In a recent article by the ever left-leaning Japan Times, Philip Brasor editorialized on how the “liberal leanings” of HM the Emperor are at odds with the “far-right” LDP currently in power. It bemoaned how “emperor worship” is still engrained in people, much to His Majesty’s discomfort and embarrassment, pointing to the recent uproar over a breach in protocol when an activist politician handed HM a letter. This is the sort of simplistic and frankly racist idiocy that can only come from a western leftist. His are the very same people who howl the loudest about the Emperor being a purely symbolic figure, completely outside of politics, upset that any might still respect or (dare I say) even revere HM while in the very same breath insisting that, despite being totally nonpolitical, when it comes to politics, deep down HM really agrees with them and not the “far-right” that places more trust and more seriousness to the monarchy. Everyone should also be aware that the *actual* far-right has never held an ounce of political power in Japan (at least since World War II) and that what these people call “far-right”, such as the Liberal Democratic Party means a party that believes in the freedom for people to worship where they choose, to insist on past agreements being honored and which is determined to defend the country in case of attack. That is what they call “far-right”. It would be funny if so many people didn’t believe it. As for HM the Emperor holding “liberal” views, if “liberal” is defined as caring about the health of the people and country and preferring to have peaceful relations with all, then, yes, that would make HM the Emperor a liberal but the same would also apply to the vast majority of the entire population.

A good case in point recently made the news. A Japanese diplomat in Yemen was stabbed in an attempted kidnapping by Muslim terrorists. His car was stolen but thankfully his injuries are not life-threatening. By the critical double-standards of those leftists who judge Japan and the Japanese people, thinking that something should be done about this heinous crime, anything at all, is enough to earn one the label of "far-right". Allowing yourself to be victimized seems to be the only acceptable response for Japan by these people. Everyone else can act differently of course but they always apply a double-standard to Japan. It is disgusting.

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