
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Facebook Bigotry

Recently, friend of Japan Texas Daddy put a picture up on Facebook showing the Rising Sun flag of the Japanese navy side-by-side with a sun rise in Texas ("Texas Daddy" is a native of New York who lives in the Lone Star State). This was flagged as offensive and removed by Facebook, along with another photo of his and he was suspended from his account for 12 hours. The suspension came about, presumably, because of a recent video of his in which he protested against the "Comfort Women" monument recently erected in California (what California or any part of America has to do with the controversy is anybody's guess) and this provoked a great deal of anger from the Korean population -who only put the monuments up in the USA in order to spread anti-Japanese bigotry and drive a wedge between Japan and America. The issue has nothing to do with America at all. It was most likely Korean activists on Facebook as well who had the sun rise photo and flag removed because they seem to have a special hatred for the flag of the Japanese navy (for some reason). Facebook, of course, is a private institution and can do as they please but this is moral cowardice of the first order and fosters the cause of anti-Japanese bigotry. However, it doesn't matter as yours truly put up a special header on my public Facebook page and will continue to display the Rising Sun flag here and at home base.

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