
Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Islamic State Attack on Japan

Just as Prime Minister Abe was visiting the Middle East, pledging to spend considerable sums in non-military aid to the region from Japan, terrorists of the Islamic State (ISIS or whatever one wishes to call it) were putting out a ransom video showing two Japanese hostages and threatening to behead them. This tragic situation teaches us a few things. For one, it is a lesson to Japan and many other countries around the world that Islamic terrorism is not just a problem for "some" countries to deal with but that it has an impact on everyone. Japan has never done anything to the detriment of any Muslim country, in fact, Japan has been one of the Middle East's best customers in purchasing oil. Even the aid given out by Prime Minister Abe was, of course, entirely of a non-military nature. Yet, Japanese civilians were targeted because these terrorists will target anyone they can get their hands on, whether they are American, European, African or Asian.

Secondly, this has shown how vulnerable Japan and Japanese citizens have been because of Article IX of the Constitution and how wise Abe was to initiate the reinterpretation of Article IX. It is something that cannot be done fast enough as this situation proves how imperative it is. After all, because of Article IX, Japan has very few options in dealing with this sort of attack on Japanese citizens. Japan cannot undertake any sort of rescue mission and, even if it could, how many JSDF personnel would have any experience in such operations? It also gives Japan very few options in finding other countries to give real support in an emergency. As it is now, the United States is the one and only official ally Japan has in the world, it is the only country that has given Japan a written promise that if anyone attacks Japan, America will be there to defend the country. Article IX is a major impediment to gaining more allies for the simple reason that it prevents Japan from reciprocating any military assistance. Why should any country pledge to help defend Japan if Japan cannot help defend them in return?

This crisis should be a "wake up call" to everyone in Japan who is still opposed to the reinterpretation of Article IX as it highlights just how dangerous the current interpretation is in a dangerous, globalized world where irrational enemies stand ready to attack anyone for any reason.

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