
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

UN - No Friend of Japan, No Friend of Monarchy

Recently, the United Nations took time out of their busy schedule of smuggling weapons to terrorists in Israel and trafficking sex slaves in Africa to put out a document criticizing the State of Japan for "racism" and allowing hate speech. So, the UN claims to be for the freedom of speech but only speech they agree with it seems. They brought up demonstrations against South Korea and Communist China as well as, of course, the tired issue of the comfort women that South Korea has made an industry out of promoting. Needless to say, the UN made no mention of the larger and more often openly violent anti-Japanese riots in South Korea and Communist China and they made no mention of the fact that none of the protests or demonstrations in Japan were racially motivated in any way. They were motivated by specific acts by specific groups in Japan and all stem from the anti-Japanese policies and attitudes of those countries. Japan is perfectly willing to be friendly and wants to get along with its neighbors but Korea and China do not want to be friendly, they want to be enemies and whenever the Japanese respond to their hysterical hatred, it is the Japanese who are criticized by the United Nations. Not only is this wrong in terms of the facts of the situation, it is also wrong in a moral way because Japan is actually one of the largest contributors to the UN of any country in the world. Think about all the money, earned by hard working Japanese men and women who pay their taxes that is sent to this useless, even harmful, organization that then turns around and insults them to their face.

The United Nations, plainly and simply, is not a fair, impartial organization at all. It has numerous branches that are under the control of several powerful pressure groups. Their corruption and wicked behavior has been revealed on numerous occasions such as the Iraqi oil for food program, the widespread rape rampage in west Africa, the white slave rings in the Balkans and recently all the Hamas rockets being found in UN schools and hospitals in Gaza. It is a totally corrupt organization and under President George W. Bush the United States boycotted the Human Rights Council and rightly so, unfortunately that policy was reversed by President Obama. The UN has displayed bias and prejudice against a number of people and now Japan is the latest country to be added to that list. It is also an organization with a very leftist, internationalist agenda (just like the Marxists, except that the UN favors the Islamic religion) which opposes monarchy and traditional authority. They want countries to reject their own customs and values and embrace those that the UN promotes and so it is easy for them to side with republics like China and Korea against a constitutional monarchy like Japan which remains true to itself. It also must be taken into consideration that the most powerful aspect of the UN is the Security Council which, like the UN altogether, was formed by the victorious Allies in the aftermath of World War II which is why the Security Council consists of the former Allied Nations; the United States, United Kingdom, France, Russia and China.

Notice that only one of those countries is a monarchy, easily outvoted by the four republics. However, while the United States has moved on from World War II, Russia and China have not. Russia still has a fear and hatred of Germany and China still has an even deeper and more paranoid fear and hatred of Japan. The UK and France have shown little interest or willingness to stand up to these powers, particularly Russia, which dominates much of Europe through natural gas exports. China, likewise, is seldom challenged by other countries because they depend so heavily on cheap goods imported from Chinese sweatshops. All of this works together to make Japan a safe and easy target for the UN and the Japanese government and people should think long and hard about the generous payments being made to the UN which is not their friend. Japan has, over the years, supported numerous democratic and humanitarian causes and organizations like the UN and, much like the overtures of friendship made to her republican neighbors, we can see that this has not resulted in any benefit for Japan at all. A new direction may be called for.

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