
Sunday, March 23, 2014

Vietnamese Visit to Japan

Last week was a busy week for Vietnamese-Japanese relations. On Monday Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress received the Vietnamese President (dictator) Truong Tan Sang and First Lady Mai Thi Hanh at the Imperial Palace in Tokyo. This is part of the on-going campaign to strengthen ties between Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia, all of which are threatened by the aggression of Communist China. A banquet was held later that evening for the guests with an address by HM the Emperor, thanking the President of Vietnam for his concern for the earthquake and tsunami victims (who was in Japan prior to his being chosen dictator) and highlighting the long history of friendly relations between Vietnam and Japan (though I will point out here that was mostly between the Nguyen Lords of the south whose descendants later founded the imperial dynasty this communist president’s predecessor drove from power and tried to destroy entirely -ahem). It is also worth pointing out that Japan has given Vietnam considerable assistance in the preservation of their legacy of monarchy by sending funds to help in the restoration and preservation of landmarks such as the Ngo Mon gate, the main entrance to the Imperial City in the former capital of the Nguyen dynasty emperors in the city of Hue.

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