
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Is Red China So Peaceful?

I have addressed this before but it is a lie that continues to be spread around by the pro-Communist Chinese partisans in the world. Over and over again the lie is repeated that "China has never attacked anyone" or some variation on that falsehood such as, 'China never invaded a foreign country' or 'China has never fought an aggressive war' -it all comes to the same thing. This is completely ridiculous as anyone who lives in the neighborhood of China should know but many people in the rest of the world seemed to be fooled by it. This is also explained by the fact that this is not a recent fabrication but one that has been around a long time. One can actually hear it in the American propaganda films "Why We Fight" from World War II in relation to the Republic of China faction of Chiang Kai-shek. Of course, it was just as untrue then as it is untrue now in reference to the People's Republic of China. Just since the communists came to complete power on the mainland of China, their government has attacked and invaded numerous foreign countries.

After Communist North Korea invaded South Korea and was defeated, Red China sent troops in and invaded South Korea in support of the DPRK (thereafter a puppet state of Communist China). Also, in 1950, Chinese communist troops invaded Tibet which had always been an independent country even as a sovereign vassal of the Great Qing Empire and it issued a declaration of independence after the overthrow of the Qing Emperor in 1911 just to reiterate this point. In 1962 Chinese Communist forces invaded the Republic of India (and little countries that got in the way like Bhutan and formerly independent Sikkim). In 1979 Red China invaded their fellow communists in Vietnam because of Chinese support for the brutal Khmer Rouge regime of Pol Pot. They were defeated by the Vietnamese and forced to retreat back to China but still claimed some territory of Vietnam (including the Paracel Islands). Most recently Red Chinese forces have also invaded the territory of The Philippines by occupying a shoal in Filipino territory. There are even more examples that could be listed but without going into a complete history of China, this should serve to make the truth obvious to all.

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