
Sunday, November 10, 2013

COMFORT WOMEN ISSUE 慰安婦問題(07年 米TV番組から)

This is an important video, particularly for people in the United States and English-speaking world to see, on the little-told Japanese point of view on the controversial "comfort women" issue with Korea:


  1. Thanks very much for sharing this video.
    It's so nice to know someone outside of Japan concerns to learn the truth.
    Maybe the videos I attached could help you even more.

    "Comfort Women the truth"
    "Comfort Women the truth be told"

    The link of the US Army's report, the propaganda buster on the videos is talking about in his video.
    "Report No. 49: Japanese Prisoners of War Interrogation on Prostitution"


    During Japan's annexation period, more than 80% of member of the parliament and police men in KOREA were Korean men, more importantly, the foreign minister OF JAPAN (1941-1945) was the 2nd generation of Korean immigrants, his dad and mom immigrated from Korea, so his blood is full Korean but his dad decided to change his nationality for his son when his son became 5 years old.

    An extract of Japanese Diet.
    "Nariaki NAKAYAMA_2013.3.8"

    The Anti-Japan campaigning, or "Discount Japan" campaign in the other word, is fueled by a Chinese (communists) group.
    I'm not sure if the Koreans (or Korean-American new comers to the US) realise that they are used as a shield.
    The aim of the Chinese group(s) is to cut off the alliance between the US and Japan so that their conquest will be easier for them.
    I don't think it's non-sense if you see how fast they are eroding the US now.
    They are legally entered the US and started their conquest without making much noises and bleeding.
    At a school in Georgia, this Chinese group offered to make a donation, but instead, they demanded them to shut down Japanese classes and pull all the cherry blossoms out of the yard the local people enjoyed at every season.
    The Chinese group wanted to wipe off all the good images about Japan, so that people would believe any nasty propaganda China is implementing.
    The school had to do what they were demanded to, they desperately needed money to keep their school.

    I'm a fan of your site and would like to show my appreciation for your love and respect to our Ten-Noh (Emperor, sorry I have to use a Japanese word because his position is one and only in the world) and history.
    I have more to share with you about what was going on and happened during WWll but I'm hesitate to comment directly, because it's quite shocking to anyone. Hint, Venona file decoded, Konoe(the PM back then), Sejima, Hama, even Isoroku Yamamoto...
    Why did the Japanese military keep going to the South East?
    Why did they keep fighting? or maybe I should say, why did their commander command them to as if he was expecting the loss of his military as a natural consequence of lengthy-period of battles?
    Perhaps may I email you?

    1. I understand completely what you are saying, believe me. Koreans have been waging an extensive political and advertising campaign against Japan in the US and even where I live, Chinese illegal aliens have been captured crossing into US territory. The Chinese government has also sent large numbers of people to my area to study all the oil drilling for the gains they plan on making in the future. It is going on in plain sight, yet many refuse to see it.

      This week I will be posting an article on the territorial dispute with Russia, in the future another on Japan championing the righteous ideals in Asia and next month I will have an article on the background to the US-Japanese war, which I hope does not encourage any bad feelings on the part of Japan but which I think is important because so many Americans, in spite of the facts being declassified and plain for all to see, continue to have an incorrect view of Japan as the aggressor nation. I hope you will look forward to those.

      The fastest way to contact me is here or on my main blog comments section, you can email me at madmonarchist at but alot of mail (most unimportant) comes there and takes time to sort through. If you would like to leave your email address in the comment box here, I will not post it but can email you from my personal address if you would prefer that.

      Thank you for spreading the truth. -MM
