
Sunday, October 27, 2013

PM Abe Stands Up to Chinese Threats

In a recent interview Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said that Japan would be taking a stronger leadership position on security matters in East Asia as a result of the increasingly hostile behavior of China which looks to the threat of force and intimidation to settle matters rather than legal means. Mr. Abe stated that other countries in the region, also threatened by China, are looking for Japan to take leadership in standing up to the bandit government in Peking. Furthermore, in response to Chinese sending unmanned drones to spy on other countries, Mr. Abe warned that any Chinese drones that violate Japanese airspace will be liable to be shot down. The Red Chinese responded in typical fashion, with hysteria and astounding dishonesty. The bandit government stated that if any Chinese drones are shot down in Japanese air space the communist regime will consider it an act of war and respond with full military retaliation and, to be really absurd, that it would be Japan that would be held responsible for opening hostilities in this situation. Just think about that for a minute, the Red Chinese are actually saying that if they invade Japanese territory and the Japanese make any effort to defend themselves it will mean that Japan has started a war. It is almost too ridiculous to even comprehend such a mentality. The invader claiming to be the victim -how typical of the bandit regime.

Hopefully, this stupidity and saber-rattling by Red China will not intimidate Japan or dampen the rebirth of the 'samurai spirit'. It is perfectly clear who is being the aggressor in this situation. For example, there is no doubt that the Red Chinese are using fear and intimidation to victimize their neighbors such as in the recent seizure of an atoll from The Philippines. They grab disputed territory and then move massive military forces in so that no one would dare oppose them. In the case of the Senkaku Islands, they suddenly make a claim on Japanese territory and then violate that territory at will and if the Japanese respond they threaten violence and try to tell the world that they are only "defending themselves". They are like a thief who breaks into a house to steal something only to then claim that the owner is the aggressor when he tries to stop them from taking his property.

The Red Chinese have shown they have no desire to settle problems reasonably since they refuse to even meet with Prime Minister Abe. In every instance, following the sincere wishes for peace and goodwill of His Majesty the Emperor, Japan has tried to resolve difficulties through peaceful dialogue. However, the bandit government refuses to even speak with the leader of the Japanese government. This will prove to be a great mistake. The Red Chinese should remember what has happened when they have attacked Japan in the past. In 1894 when China fought Japan, everyone thought China was so big and powerful there was no way they could lose, yet Japan administered a total defeat on China and the Chinese were greatly humiliated to be beaten by this island country that they had for so long held to be totally inferior. The Chinese have extremely large military forces but especially in terms of their air and naval forces, those of Japan, though fewer in number, are much more advanced and of higher quality. China should also remember that if they try to make war on Japan it will not be Japan alone but the United States as well. However, that assumes that the Japanese air and naval forces have not totally defeated any aggressive Chinese force before America can even respond and any conflict would be ruinous for the Chinese economy and most likely provoke a rebellion by the poor and oppressed masses in China. In short, if the bandit government tries to get aggressive they will only be hurting themselves. That would certainly be no tragedy.

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