
Friday, October 11, 2013

No Free Speech in Japan

Recently in Japan there was a court ruling against a Japanese group, forcing them to pay a fine, because of "hate speech" directed at a Korean school in Japan. No problem there? Pay attention to the details. This Japanese group was protesting the use of some nearby property by this Korean school which they had no right to. It should also be added that this school was teaching things with not just a pro-Korean slant but a pro-North Korean slant. North Korea, or the DPRK, is of course the country which has threatened to attack Japan, the United States and South Korea on numerous occasions and which is basically not even a country so much as one giant slave-labor camp for the Kim family. Anyway, this Korean school said they were being harassed and, I guess, their feelings were hurt by the things the Japanese protesters were saying outside their school so they took them to court and the Japanese group was prosecuted, not even for breaking a Japanese law, but for violating an international agreement or treaty or something against "hate speech". Personally, I do not think any international law should override the laws of a sovereign nation and I don't think any Japanese man, woman or child should be obliged to obey any law that was not passed by the Japanese government and signed by HM the Emperor -but that's just me.

All that this court ruling has done is to illustrate how the free speech of the Japanese people is being suppressed. Is that a surprise? Not really, since, as we have discussed before, according to the Chinese and Korean republics that are neighbors of Japan, the Japanese are not supposed to have any rights or freedoms at all. They don't think the Japanese have the right to their own flag (they protest against the Japanese flag, especially the naval flag for some unfathomable reason), they don't think the Japanese should have the right to their own national anthem (they protest against that too), they don't think the Japanese should have the right to teach their own children because these republics are always protesting about Japanese textbooks and they don't think the Japanese should have the freedom of religion because they protest every time anyone goes to pray at the Yasukuni Shrine. They don't even think the Japanese have a right to their own opinion or to even think for themselves because they are always claiming to know what the Japanese people are "really" thinking and what their words "really" mean. Take Takeshima island; the South Koreans are upset just because the Japanese think that island is Japanese. Japan does not dispute that South Korea has the island and controls it but just because some Japanese think this is unjust it drives the Koreans crazy.

You will also notice that these international law against hate speech applies only to the Japanese and not to the Koreans who hold protests and spew hate speech against the Japanese all the time. We recently talked about how they even teach their children to do this. They have displays in Korea with hate-filled people killing animals associated with Japan, ripping Japanese flags with their teeth and burning Japanese symbols. Yet, South Korea never fines these people for their hate speech. And one has to wonder that if the Koreans think the Japanese are so terrible; why are they living in Japan?! Why do they not just leave and go back to South Korea? I am sure no one in Japan would be upset if they did. I certainly wouldn't be.

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