
Thursday, September 5, 2013

Red Chinese Triumphalism

Recently it was the anniversary of the official ceremony in which the Empire of Japan surrendered to the Allied nations on the USS Missouri at the end of World War II. Most countries take the opportunity to reflect on the horrors of war and to honor those who died in the conflict. That is not the case, however, in the People's Republic of China where, year after year, triumphalism and brain-washing is the order of the day for the communist bandit government in Peking. I saw it again this year with CCTV coverage of ceremonies in various locations across Red China with all of them using the same government-fed talking points, all repeating again and again the communist party line about the conflict being the "anti-fascist" war to stop "Japanese aggression". The phrase "Japanese aggression" is of course repeated the most by the indoctrinated Red Chinese. It is, and this should go without saying, a complete lie. You will notice that other countries do not refer to the war in this way, only the Red Chinese are so insecure as to feel the need to try to make a political point, glorify themselves and denigrate another country even in what they call the war. However, it is a lie. And this can be easily explained.

China, neither the communists nor the nationalists, fought against fascism in World War II. They never fought the fascists who were the Italians in World War II nor did they fight the Germans who were national socialists (Nazis). In fact, prior to signing the Axis pact with Japan, Nazi Germany was the biggest foreign supporter of the Republic of China. Did anyone at CCTV appreciate the irony of showing newsreel footage of Chinese troops wearing Nazi uniforms and Nazi helmets at the same time they were calling the Chinese war against Japan an "anti-fascist" war? And, as for the often repeated phrase about the war being against "Japanese aggression" this is certainly laughable. The Chinese initiated the conflict with Japan in the beginning and if the Chinese had been the victims of Japanese "aggression" all of that time, about a decade; why did they not declare war on Japan until after December 7, 1941? I would also like to know, since the Red Chinese refer to World War II as a war against "Japanese aggression", what they call the many other wars the communist Chinese have fought? If they were so honest they would call the Chinese Civil War the war of communist aggression against the Republic of China, the Korean War would be the war of Red Chinese aggression against South Korea and the United Nations. What about the wars of Chinese aggression against Tibet, India or Vietnam?

However, the worst part about these displays of triumphalism every year is the indoctrination that goes with them. In the CCTV report that I saw, they interviewed little children, in their little communist party uniforms, repeating everything they had been taught (indoctrinated) at their communist party schools about the heroism of the Chinese soldiers and the supposed aggression of the Japanese. They are not teaching these children to honor their forefathers or have a respect for true history but are simply indoctrinating each new generation to have a prejudice and hatred against Japan. This is something they have to keep alive because the bandit government in Peking knows how valuable it is to always have hatred of Japan as a way to distract the people from their own tyranny and oppression to rally against a foreign power. Of course, it is also completely laughable to hear these adults and children repeat the ridiculous lie their government masters have taught them that the Chinese ever "defeated" the Imperial Japanese Army. Japan was forced to surrender by the dropping of two atomic bombs by the United States and the disgraceful stab in the back of the Soviet invasion of Manchuria afterwards. The Chinese had nothing to do with it and prior to the United States, Great Britain and other Allies all going to war against Japan, the Japanese were clearly winning the war in China and the Chinese had proven completely unable to stop the Imperial Japanese Army in open combat.

This is especially ridiculous coming from the leaders of the communist bandit government in Peking since the fighting that did happen between China and Japan was carried out almost entirely by the forces of the Republic of China and the communist bandits of Mao Zedong had very little to do with it. They made almost no appreciable contribution at all to the overall Chinese war effort. Most of the time, the communist bandits never succeeded at being anything more than a nuisance to the Imperial Japanese Army. But, this is certainly nothing new for communist China. Lies and deception have always been standard procedure to them as has been indoctrinating the public, children and adults alike, to carry on a legacy of hatred against their neighbors. These war memorials are not about honoring the past but are about distorting history, glorifying the communist dictatorship and putting hatred and bigotry in the hearts of every new generation of Chinese children. It is a disgraceful scene. None of it can compare to what goes on in Japan that always so infuriates the bandit government in Peking. They are angered that in Japan people remember the end of the war by honoring those sacrificed their lives for the Emperor, who died defending their homeland while in China they use the occasion to keep the communist sacred tradition of anti-Japanese hatred alive.

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